These are known as lady's smock. Another name for them is the cuckoo flower because they appear at the same time as the first cuckoos are heard. I haven't heard one yet though!
I have always found it in damp ditches at this time of year but this clump is growing on a fairly dry verge next to a wall on Kings Barn Lane.
It is a member of the cabbage family. The leaves are edible and said to make a good substitute for watercress.

Few flowered garlic originates from the Caucasus and has naturalised in Britain after escaping from gardens.
It propagates via the bulbils which grow amongst the flowers at the top of the stem. They show up well in the picture right.
The flowers are papery and short lasting.
These are growing along the side of Jarvis Lane.

Another garden escapee is the three cornered leek or wild onion. This one came from the Mediterranean region. The bulbs, stems, leaves and flowers are all edible and give a mild garlick flavour. I actually use these as they grow as volunteers in my garden. The flowers make a pretty garnish.
They also grow around gardens and driveways in Jarvis Lane.
The bluebells have appeared in Kings Barn Lane. Unfortunately these seem to be the Spanish hybrid variety that are rather taking over from our more delicate English type. I will keep looking to see if I can find some of the old natives.
On a different theme, these are the rather insignificant flowers of a tree growing near the bridge on Kings Barn Lane. I don't know what type of tree it is yet! I will have to revisit this when the leaves come out and make an identification. (Addition later - It's an ash tree! )
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